
Advocacy and Community Outreach

Only in recent years have women veterans been the topic of conversations. Veteran has always been seen as the G.I. John, thus needed services for women veterans were scarce. This is changing as we speak up and speak out about gaps in services. Our work over the past 8 years has focused on advocacy and community awareness. In fact, when we began in 2012, there were no services in NE Florida for women. There was no emphasis on women veterans. The VA Clinic had just opened a women’s health clinic which was sitting in an unfavorable location but it was a great start. Since that time, many community partners have added programs for women veterans. We believe it was a result of our efforts to advocate.

Our community outreach serves a dual purpose. We believe that it is important to be good community partners by participating in events. We volunteer time and talent where needed. Outreach also gives opportunity for women veterans to reengage in the community they live in. Many are isolated and detached. This allows them to slowly become involved.

Some of the activities/events we participate in is:

What to Expect:

-Food Distribution

-Homeless Veteran Standdown

-Veterans’ Day Parade

-Memorial Day Ceremony

-Women Veterans Recognition Week

-…..and more

CEO NFWV Advocacy
Open the Door
Women Veterans in the Community